Recovery – and the story of my Website

Back in the fall of 2022, I woke up one morning to a website that was no longer there.  It was completely and utterly gone.

I didn’t panic at first, because there is always a backup.  Right?  Always a backup.  Except when there isn’t.

I reachout out to my provider and was informed that my “basic” package did not include automatic backups and how lucky I was that it took 12 years to crash and burn.  Somehow I didn’t feel so lucky.

My blog was more like a memory keeper for me, so I wasn’t really that concerned and new that I could start over. 

At the first of the year, I applied to teach out a popular retreat/exhibition.  One of the requests was proof of my prior work.  All of that was locked away in my memory blog.

While I still had pictures and could reframe by posts, I became very discouraged and didn’t even want to touch it.  But…I really want to teach.  What to do?

It took a while to put my pics and information and memories together again.  I will admit to a few tears, some of them memories rolling down my cheeks.  In May 2023 I earnestly began reconstruction.  It’s not perfect, it’s not even completed, but it feels good to have a place to store my craft again.

Welcome to the new, revived and WELL backed up…JustPlainLaine.

By Lesa

I am a fiber artist that farms natural dye material, processes it into pigment, dyes material and turns it into amazing works of art.